Core Beliefs Of The Back Pain Expert Everyone Wants To Work With

After working with thousands of patients over the last 25 years of my career as a physical therapist, I’ve developed some core beliefs that helped me get patients back to being healthy. Here are a few of the beliefs my team and I share when treating our patients.

BELIEF #1 – Giving Patients The Time They Need

There are many clinics that don’t give each patient enough time to even understand what they’re going through or what might have caused their back pain. If you’re having a physical therapy session that lasts for 20-30 minutes where you do exercises unsupervised because your therapist needs to attend to another person, then you can’t possibly expect that your back pain will get better. At our clinic, we believe that patients need time to explain exactly what’s happening and allow you to understand their lifestyle and other factors that can be contributing to this pain. Only then we can truly find out what’s been causing your pain and plan a tailored treatment program that will heal your pain.

BELIEF #2 – 1-1 Care For Every Patient

You may be skeptical about physical therapy if you’ve tried it in the past and failed. However, at our clinic, you will get 1-1 attention that you need to get better. You shouldn’t have to share your time with a therapist, because you didn’t pay half price, so why would you get half of their time? We will always give you the undivided attention and time that we need to be able to do our hands-on treatment and get you back to living your life pain-free.

BELIEF #3 – Back Pain Is Not Normal

One of our main beliefs is that back pain is not normal and you don’t have to live with it. You need intervention, the right plan of care, and the right therapist to recover from back pain and get back to doing all the things you love. Our Healthy Back Program is designed based on my extensive research and 25 years of experience treating back pain sufferers successfully. We will tailor the program to your specific needs to address the root cause of your pain and treat it accordingly. You don’t need to be in constant pain every day, and we are here to support you in your recovery.

Can You See How Different We Are To All The Things You Tried To Fix Your Back Pain In The Past?

And this is why when people visit my Tulsa clinic, they get results - even if they've spent years trying and failing with at-home stretches, countless doctors visits and scans, bottles of painkillers, and visits to chiropractors and massage therapists.

So why don't you come to our clinic as part of a Free Discovery Visit.

This means you see how we treat, can meet the team, and get personalized advice and recommendations on the best treatment options that can deliver you the fast, long-term, and drug-free pain relief you're desperately searching for.

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Discovery Visit