5 Daily Activities to Avoid for Lower Right Back Pain Relief

Are you struggling with persistent lower right back pain and wondering what activities might be making it worse?

You’re not alone. Many of our daily habits can inadvertently exacerbate lower back issues, causing discomfort that seems to shadow every movement.

Lower right back pain can often be traced to a few common triggers: improper lifting techniques, prolonged sitting, overexertion during physical activities, or even sleeping in an awkward position. 

While pain can sometimes feel like an inevitable side effect of active, busy lives, there are specific steps you can take to alleviate and prevent it.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the daily activities you should avoid to help manage and improve your lower right back pain, providing you with the knowledge you need to move more comfortably.

5 Activities to Avoid if You Experience Lower Right Back Pain

Sitting for Long Periods

The modern workplace often demands hours of sitting, which can put significant strain on your lower back, especially if your posture is less than ideal. 

Take frequent breaks to stand and stretch, and consider using an ergonomic chair or a standing desk.

Heavy Lifting

Improper lifting techniques can be disastrous for your lower back. Always lift from your knees and keep the object close to your body.

Avoid twisting your torso while lifting, as this can cause undue stress on your back muscles and spinal discs.

High-Impact Sports

Activities that involve a lot of jumping or running can impact your lower back due to the shock absorption required.

If you’re experiencing pain, try switching to lower-impact exercises like swimming or cycling which provide cardiovascular benefits without the harsh impact.

Repetitive Bending

Frequent bending, whether it’s while gardening, vacuuming, or performing certain types of work tasks, can lead to or worsen lower right back pain.

When you must bend, make sure to monitor your form and take breaks as needed.

Ignoring Core Exercises

Neglecting the muscles around your core can leave your lower back without the support it needs, leading to pain.

Incorporate gentle core strengthening exercises into your routine to help stabilize your lower back and reduce the risk of pain.

Your Next Step toward Lower Right Back Pain Relief

Ready to take control of your lower right back pain and embrace a journey to wellness like never before? Book your free discovery visit today.  

We offer you personalized consultations with back pain experts who treat patients like you every day, ensuring that your path to wellness is not only clear but truly attainable.

Call us at (918) 992-7649 to book your free discovery visit and start your journey to a healthier, more active life today.

Lower right back pain doesn’t have to limit your life. With the right knowledge and support, you can move beyond the pain and back into the joy of living

I’ve put together a FREE advice report, packed with information on natural back pain relief and tips on managing back pain effectively.

Connect with our expert team for a personalized discussion about your back pain with a FREE Telephone Consultation where we’ll tell you a little bit more about our clinic and treatments.

Free Telephone Consultation

Or if you want to see us in person and experience our approach first-hand, you can come to our Tulsa physical therapy clinic for a FREE Discovery Visit where we’ll show you around, introduce you to the team, and explain how we can help you manage your lingering back pain.

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Don’t let stress-induced back pain dictate your life.

Reach out to us and take the first step towards a more comfortable, stress-free lifestyle.

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